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✍️ Register

You must create an account to use this site. Creating an account will allow you to: register for an event, manage your registrations, obtain certifications and apply to become a presenter.

Please note that, as stated in the site's terms of use, your email will never be disclosed to third parties, nor used for anything other than to notify you about workshops.

Your nickname on this website. Should be unique and not currently in use by anyone else.
Your email. Must be unique. Will be used as a login ID by code only, and visible to people registered for the events you create. ATTENTION: ALL emails will be sent to this address. Please check THREE TIMES before filling/changing this entry.
Please input a valid password, which needs to include a lowercase letter, an uppercase one, a digit and 8 characters at minimum.
Please input a valid password, which needs to include a lowercase letter, an uppercase one, a digit and 8 characters at minimum.
Please check this box to accept the terms of use of the site.

* = These fields are required.